We got home from Convention late Saturday night--so late it was practically Sunday. ;-) I am still in a fog, which is 3 parts exhaustion and 2 parts Convention withdrawal. I didn't have to do any laundry or cleaning or chauffeuring or . . . well, you get the picture. Now I can't seem to gather up all the threads that make up my regular life! Swimming lessons, 2 teens with jobs, school registration, play dress rehearsals, planning for group voice lessons--oh, and I should pay some bills and go grocery shopping! LOL It's amazing how much 6 kids eat!
I have to brag on my husband a little bit--ok, a LOT. Events like Convention are really not my thing. I suffer from migraines, and I'm not terribly fond of large crowds. But he drove me to Salt Lake, kept me fed and cared for, picked us up (hi Angie and Amanda!) at the end of Convention days, and just generally was amazing! I could never have done it without him! Thanks, honey!
You know how everyone always says you HAVE to go to Convention?? Well, I admit I just thought they were Kool-Aid drinkers. :-) (I mean that in the nicest way possible!) But I have to tell you
You HAVE to go to Convention!
It was wonderful, fabulous, amazing, crazy fun! I learned so much, swapped like crazy, met IRL so many great people I had only known online, swapped some more, waited in line for 2 1/2 hours to buy everything in Memento Mall (please note the "e"--sorry, you can take the girl out of the spelling bee, but you never take the spelling bee out of the girl!), learned that the Salt Palace does not have great cell reception, did I mention swapping????
I promised Tandra a couple pictures from the new catalog, so here they are!

Just Jawin!

Crazy for Cupcakes!